
Showing posts from October, 2019

Millais, John Everett (British Artist (9781854375230)

Judged by the standards of his own time, the career of John Everett Millais (1829-96) was an unqualified success. Beginning as a child prodigy, he entered the Royal Academy Schools aged 11, and along with Holman Hunt and Rossetti was a founding member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. The first Pre-Raphaelite picture he produced, The Carpenter's Shop, had a dramatic effect on the critics; Charles Dickens described his portrayal of the child Christ as a 'hideous, wry-necked, blubbering, red-haired boy in a night-gown.' Millais later became the quintessential English gentleman artist, a Baronet and president of the Royal Academy, producing some of the most famous images of the age. At the time of his death, however, there were some who believed that Millais had betrayed his extraordinary talent and vision by pandering to popular taste for the false rewards of money, status and Victorian respectability. In more recent times, Millais's career, after the disbanding of th...

Peter and the Shadow Thieves (9780756980603)

Peter and Tinker Bell leave the relative safety of Mollusk Island for the cold, damp streets of London in this bestselling sequel to Peter and the Starcatchers. Illustration. Product details For ages 9-12 Format Hardback | 556 pages Dimensions 127 x 191 x 36mm | 590g ...

How to be an Illustrator, Second Edition (9781780673288)

This book offers practical help and guidance to aspiring illustrators. All areas of the job are covered - creating a portfolio; approaching potential clients; preparing for meetings and negotiating contracts; setting up a studio; maintaining a flow of work and managing one's time and cash. Self-promotion, creating websites, self-publishing and the pros and cons of agents are all explored. International illustrators are interviewed, discussing how they got their break in the industry, their experiences with clients, their methods of promoting work and more. In addition, leading art directors describe their approach to commissioning illustration, how they spot new talent, their thoughts on promotional material and their advice to up-and-coming illustrators. Packed with useful tips gleaned from the author's own career as an illustrator, and his work as an agent handling some of the best new talent, the book is an essential read for anyone looking to succeed in illustration. ...

Necromantic Sorcery : Forbidden Rites of Death Magick (9781731541888)

Learn how to perform the most dangerously powerful rituals of Saturnian Necromancy. Raise the demonic forces of black magick to exploit the spirits of the dead and contact the Other Side with the forbidden rites of death magick. Tablet of Death Foreword p.5Introduction p.13Initiation, Grimoire & Spellbook Ch. 1 - Theory & Practice p.23Ch. 2 - Human Ritual Relics p.27Ch. 3 - Raising the Dead p.45 Ch. 4 - Order of the 13th Judgement p.57 Ch. 5 - The Book of Azrael p.95 Ch. 6 - Old Gods of a New Path p.105 Ch. 7 - Vodoun Rises p.127 Ch. 8 - Crossing Paths p.151 Ch. 9 - Forbidden Death Magick p.159 Ch. 10 - Returning Home p.171 Ch. 11 - Zandor & the Secret of the Congo p.181 Ch. 12 - Reconciliation p.189Addenda Manifestations of the Left Palm p.191Glossary p.199 Product details Format Paperback ...

Procedure and Guidelines for Impeachment Trials in the United States Senate (9781240390670)

The BiblioGov Project is an effort to expand awareness of the public documents and records of the U.S. Government via print publications. In broadening the public understanding of government and its work, an enlightened democracy can grow and prosper. Ranging from historic Congressional Bills to the most recent Budget of the United States Government, the BiblioGov Project spans a wealth of government information. These works are now made available through an environmentally friendly, print-on-demand basis, using only what is necessary to meet the required demands of an interested public. We invite you to learn of the records of the U.S. Government, heightening the knowledge and debate that can lead from such publications. Product details Format Paperback | 112 pages ...

From the Ruins of Empire : The Revolt Against the West and the Remaking of Asia (9780241954669)

Pankaj Mishra's provocative account of how China, India and the Muslim World are remaking the world in their own image - shortlisted for the Orwell Prize 2013 SHORTLISTED FOR THE ORWELL PRIZE 2013 Viewed in the West as a time of self-confident progress, the Victorian period was experienced by Asians as a catastrophe. As the British gunned down the last heirs to the Mughal Empire or burned down the Summer Palace in Beijing, it was clear that for Asia to recover a new way of thinking was needed. Pankaj Mishra re-tells the history of the past two centuries, showing how a remarkable, disparate group of thinkers, journalists, radicals and charismatics emerged from the ruins of empire to create an unstoppable Asian renaissance, one whose ideas lie behind everything from the Chinese Communist Party to the Muslim Brotherhood, and have made our world what it is today. Reviews: 'Arrestingly original ... this penetrating and disquieting book should be on the reading list of anybody who w...

Texts and Lessons for Teaching Literature : With 65 Fresh Mentor Texts from Dave Eggers, Nikki Giovanni, Pat Conroy, Jesus Colon, Tim O'Brien, Judith Ortiz Cofer, and Many More (9780325044354)

"The experiences provided in these 37 lessons parallel the readings and tasks recommended by the Common Core State Standards. The main difference is that our lessons put student curiosity and engagement first." -Harvey "Smokey" Daniels and Nancy Steineke In this highly anticipated follow-up to Texts and Lessons for Content-Area Reading, Harvey "Smokey" Daniels and Nancy Steineke share their powerful strategies for engaging students in challenging, meaningful reading of fiction and poetry using some of their favorite short, fresh texts-or, as they put it, "full-strength adult literature that gives us English majors a run for our interpretive money- but is still intriguing enough to keep teen readers digging and thinking." Use the 37 innovative, step-by-step, common-core-correlated lessons with the reproducible texts provided, with selections from your literature textbook, or with your own best-loved texts to teach close reading skills and deep co...

Occupational Therapy in Mental Health (9780803617049)

This is a text we have all been waiting for...I can't help but think that our earlier leaders in mental health- Dr. Adolph Meyer, Dr. William Dutton, and Eleanor Clark Slagle, to name a few- who knew the power of occupation and stressed the importance of engagement in an enabling environment, would be pleased to see this work come to a format that would guide clinicians to make a difference in the everyday lives of people with mental challenges that require the skills of an occupational therapist.'- Carolyn M. Baum, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA Past President, American Occupational Therapy Association (2004 to 2007) From the Foreword: This Client-centered, recovery-oriented text gives voice to the lived experience of mental illness across the life span. You will be guided through the assessment and interventions of individuals with mental health conditions and those whose life circumstances generate significant challenges to their participation in valued activities. ...

The Making of a Therapist (9780393704242)

The difficulty and cost of training psychotherapists properly is well known. It is far easier to provide a series of classes while ignoring the more challenging personal components of training. Despite the fact that the therapist's self-insight, emotional maturity, and calm centeredness are critical for successful psychotherapy, rote knowledge and technical skills are the focus of most training programs. As a result, the therapist's personal growth is either marginalized or ignored. The Making of a Therapist counters this trend by offering graduate students and beginning therapists a personal account of this important inner journey. Cozolino provides a unique look inside the mind and heart of an experienced therapist. Readers will find an exciting and privileged window into the experience of the therapist who, like themselves, is just starting out. In addition, The Making of a Therapist contains the practical advice, common-sense wisdom, and self-disclosure that practicing pro...

Reading the American Past, Volume 2 : Selected Historical Documents: From 1865 (9780312563776)

A two-volume primary source reader with a wide range of documents representing political, social, and cultural history, Reading the American Past: Volume II: From 1865 shares the voices of an even wider range of historical actors in a manageable and accessible way. Product details Format Paperback | 342 pages Dimensions 150 x 231 x 18mm | 408g Publicat...